Not that great.
First of all, I hate sprites, I think they're for lazy animators. I have tried them and found it ridiculously easy (please ignore my spelling). But, I watched this anyways. Hey, it's Zelda, can't be that bad! I think that it was pretty short and not enough violence. If you're going to do violence, go all out, make tons of guys battling at once, that's what I was expecting with a score of 3.7. There were hardly any fight scenes, and they were all short and kinda pointless. Then the last guy was just annoying, who would hate someone so much and then just give him the key? Interasting idea, I suggest stop using sprites, use your own creativity, more violence, more blood, and you will have yourself a good movie. I'm just trying to give some helpful suggestions, don't go off cussing at me and stuff. I'm not a "n00b", I know what I'm talking about, so please take my words seriously. Good luck to you in the future.