What's up with you?
America is corrupted by the two party system. Parties just constantly bash the other and when an election comes, rarely does a member of one party vote for a candidate of the other party. For Bush, I see these factors: he hates gays (why does anybody? it's just another heartless attempt to take out anger on a group of people. Just like when people hate Jews, or African-Americans), hates the enviroment, not very bright. And lots of other stuff. Kerry does have his flaws and is not the best pick for president (Gore could've been the best, the only thing people could find wrong with him was that he was boring, lol), but I feel anyone is better than Bush. When he came into office, we were in surplus. Now, we are in over 7 trillion dollar debt! This didn't pick at his flaws, just made up junk that never happened, so what's the point? I can appreciate a good flash even if it's pro bush, anti kerry, but only if it's well made, has smart points, and other stuff. This was none of those things. Oh well. Good luck on all future flashes.