
66 Game Reviews

17 w/ Responses

Wow, this went completely unnoticed

Should have told me this got out! Damn, I'm suprised more people didn't like it. I cracked up like crazy the first time I played it. I was looking accross the board to see what I would give each rating, thinking that there had to be something that wasn't to its fullest. Graphics - awesome, perfect 10 there. Style - doesn't get any crazier then that! sound - kick ass music selection and hillarious voices, violence - kicking ass with a crazy asian guy, now that's living the life, interactivity - you can move, that's enough for me, humor - I actually laughed, I almost never do that with games.
Well, everything actually deserved a 10, maybe not overall of course, afterall, it is just a mini game. But hell, that kicked ass. Good job....
I'm just rambling on, I feel tired, very, very, very tired. Talk to you later.

Sweathshirt please

I want a Magnetism sweatshirt please.
Well, you've outdone yourself as usual.... stop being such a smartass, it's making the rest of us look bad :P
So ya, make a sweatshirt or I'll find where you live and rape you

Here's some helpful code for you:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xplace= Math.round(_x);
if (xplace<10) {
xplace = '00'+xplace;
} else if (xplace<100) {
xplace = '0'+xplace
numberposition = Math.round(_y)+''+xplace;
if (getDepth() != int(numberposition)) {

put that on every movie clip, it will get their position and swap their depths accordingly. Thus if a character is in front of another, he will then become "on top" of the other, instead of it looking weird. Add sound, maybe it's just me, but I didn't hear any. Eh... just work a lot, you'll improve as time goes on. Don't give up.

I'm going to donate Inglor some pants

Great game, very basic and yet highly addictive and fun. Where have you been? You never sign on anymore. So yes, next time I get sponsered, I'll tell Inglor to buy some pants and take it off my tab.

Ok, I've got one for ya

Glaiel_Gamer created a 3D flash engine, and his rocks! I might have though differently of this if I had never seen Glaiel's. Too bad. So, ya, it didn't seem too 3Dish, I'd be right over the sticks and yet they'd still look far away, then I'd take a step and they'd disappear. This also shouldn't have been submitted. Get the finished version out and that's all you should submit. If you just have an engine, post it in the BBS or something.

joearchy responds:

but im trying to create an engine that allows you to look around your environment not just in one perspective

Anyone who doesn't give this game straight 10's is

on crack. There is sooo much to do and it is a blast to play. There are so many weapons, and enemies and levels. The gameplay is addicting and doesn't get tiresome even after hours of gameplay. Why the hell this doesn't have a score well over 4 is beyond me. So much effort went in to this and Glaiel, it finally has paid off. I hope you stick to doing more game like this, rather than quick games that take a few days to make. Yeah it takes forever, but it feels a lot more accomplishing when you're done. I really love this game, keep it up!

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

When it was under judgment easy and hard modes didn''t work, and people votes lower, but I fixed that now, and it's score continues to rise. But hey, I have a whole nother day for it's score to rise for a portal award.

Getting old....

Dress-ups are not fun and they seem to be what everyone wants to make. It's just a bunch of still pictures being put over eachother, not that great. And did you actually make fun of someone who complimented you in the review before mine? If you are going to update an already bad game, at least spend a while on it, I remember just seeing version 2 about a week ago. Do something new.

SpinningCubeClock responds:

bite me, you suck!

We're in the same boat!

A tip, please take into consideration. Both you and I make games at a young age. In both of our games, we play people older than ourselves, therefor, it sounds weird when we do the voice acting. All you have to do is post a topic asking for voice actors in the forums and tons of people will be willing to do it. Another thing is something that people tell me all the time, get someone else to do the art. Your programming is awesome for someone your age, but your art is not the same way. Again, many people will be willing to do the art for you, it saves you time, and it gives you a higher score! Good luck on all your future games!

You're only 14?!?

Well.... there goes my hopes of being the best 14 year old programmer. You're incredible! Everything about this game was perfect, and all of the coding was overwhelming! The codes in here involved triginometry and all sorts of mathmatical genius, and you probrably havn't even taken those classes yet! You better be freaking proud of yourself cause you should be. You have accomplished an amazing feat. Great freaking game!


Evan Greenstone @FrostedMuffins





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